Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Intellectualizing Dance

     I have always wondered,while learning the classical forms of dance, such as ballet or bharatnatyam, how would it make a difference if my hand was 2 centimeters above or below or while doing the barre in ballet so what if my leg doesn't reach that 90 degree mark! who decides where your hands should be placed and even if it was decided that these are the rules in ballet or any other classical form, why is it that one should follow it without understanding it? is it always necessary to "intellectualize" dance?

      Its after a while of pondering that i realized that may be dance is all about showing off. Its about showing how high you can jump, how you are so flexible that your leg can hit your hand high up, you can roll forward and roll back continuously making it seem so effortless. Dance seems to be as selfish as it is selfless. You work really hard on your body, its physically very very exhausting, you hardly get paid until you're noticed, its looked at (in the indian culture) as a pass time or time pass thing to do till you get married and have babies! (must add that times are changing, slowly and steadily though) . 

       A very common notion is that you need to be really dumb to be dancing. But ask all dancers they would say you need to be very intelligent to be able to dance the way we do! In our society, people sit at desks and on couches all the time, and we’ve become very brain-oriented. Its "cooler" to know a computer program than to know how your body works and functions. If i say move on count 1,2,3 left leg fwd, transfer weight to your right on 2 and left leg back to where it was on 3, and repeat doing the same thing back starting with the right at the same time moving your hips following a sleeping number 8, holding your partner and leading with right hand on her left shoulder blade, not many people will be able to "de-code". Try it in the first or second read to see if you get it!

      We dont realize the importance of exercise, forget dance. I'll make it easy for you, following are few of the benefits of dancing or exercising:
Conditions the body, Helps keep the heart in shape, Builds and increases stamina, Develops the circulatory system, Improved posture, Maintains flexibility, Helps prevent lower back problems, Helps prepare women for childbirth, Reduces stress, Decrease blood pressure, Help you manage your weight, Strengthen the bones of your legs and hips, Increase energy, Improve strength, Increase muscle tone and coordination etc etc etc 

      For me, when i Salsa, i feel it. Its a feeling that only some may find in their journey through life. Its something you can feel when you see me or anyone who has that soul connect while dancing. I may or may not dance according to any rules laid down by the "Salsa Rules Governing Body" but i know my true passion and love lies in Salsa. 

    Its true that everyone is not going to find that same connect, what i feel for dance, someone else might feel while they write or while they sing. All i am stressing here is the importance is to keep an open mind to dancing or anything "arty" and to look after your body. Wondering why? Ask Yourself!


  1. Very nice way of looking at dance. Keep at it and im sure within a couple of years there will be a dance dance revolution in India ;-) (including yours truly)

  2. Nice!
    Hope more and more people get the point of expression! I believe that is required more today than any form of exercise..
    A fit mind and heart than a fit body!
